"You are imperfect,
you are wired for struggle,
but you are worthy of love
& belonging."
Brene Brown
I offer a free 15 minute telephone consultation where I am on hand to answer any of your questions and to discuss what you would like help with.
Our first session together will last 90 minutes. All further sessions will last around 60 minutes.
What to expect
While every individual is different, numerous clients have shared experiencing significant changes after just a few sessions.
There are some issues that may require more time, my dedication is in assisting you so that together we can discover your solution to enhance your quality of life in the shortest time possible.
During our sessions, we will discuss your worries together and I will make notes as we go along. Hypnotherapy involves me gently guiding you into a light hypnotic state enabling us to explore thoughts and emotions that may have been holding you back. This process naturally guides us towards understanding and making sense of your life experiences.
Due to Hypnosis Trance not being an altered state, but one that we dip in and out of many times in a day, you will be able to interact fully during our sessions.
The therapy I provide is personalised, focusing on achieving lasting change together. Your commitment to the process is key and so is selecting the right therapist, this is why I do not work with everyone who approaches me.
Is there anyone I can't work with?
As a member of the NCH and QCHPA, there are guidelines and codes of ethics that I adhere to. As such I am unable to work with you if you have ever been diagnosed with the following conditions:
Psychosis (Bi-Polar Disorder, Schizophrenia)
Personality disorder